Saturday, September 27, 2014

Seven Quick Takes - Florida

The Adventure Begins

We went to Universal Studios last July - first family trip with all four of us in several years - and long overdue.

1. July is a great time to go, if you're a fan of heat, humidity and rain showers.

2. The rides are awesome. They leave you alternately dizzy, soaked, jazzed, or some combination of the three.

3. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is really best seen in the evening. The plastic snow on the rooftops looks less plastic at twilight.

4. Stay at the onsite hotels, simply for the express ticket. You may feel a bit bad as you zoom past the people standing in hour-long lines for rides. But you'll get over it quickly, trust me.

5. Breakfast at the Three Broomsticks is awful. However, most folks believe all British food is awful, so perhaps they are just trying to meet expectations.

6. Butterbeer is fabulous. It is the best drink ever. Sorry, Silver Oak, it just is.

7. I know why they make you pay extra for internet at the onsite hotels. It's to get you and your kids off of it. Thanks.